Care of your skin

Does your skin get very dry during this time of year?
This post is for you!

Has arrived! 🙁 That time of year began when we feel tight, dull and dry skin. But we have no reason to be alarmed! We simply have to adjust the care and adapt our routine to the needs of winter and our skin.

First of all, we want to tell you that this post was written in collaboration with dermatological doctors! Here you will find a quick guide and the basic steps to take into account. If you want to go deeper, talk about specific products, etc., we always recommend you consult your dermatologist or family doctor.

Let's remember that we are talking not only about aesthetic issues, but also about health! The skin is the largest organ of the human body and it is the one that protects us from all external agents, we must give it the importance it deserves!

Curious? Let's start with the first tip!

Keeping skin clean is essential at any time of the year! It is important that our pores are kept clean and as free as possible. Accumulating impurities (not only on the face, but throughout our body) can cause imperfections, changes in the texture of our skin, and even diseases. Sanitizing ourselves daily with our body and face soap is the ABC of skin care, holy word!

This time of year is also perfect for deeper exfoliations and cleanings: chemical peels, extractions, diamond tip (for the face), etc. Why now? These processes will manage to remove all the dead cells, dryness and impurities typical of summer. With the sun, the sea, the sand, the chlorine, the tan and the perspiration; At the end of the season our skin cries out for a little help and love: the best way to restore it and restore its shine and health is by cleaning it thoroughly; but WOW! Without forgetting, of course, the following tip.

During the winter, the correct thing would be to talk about hydration PRO FOUND. Very important! After cleansing the skin in depth, it needs to be hydrated, since we have removed all the natural oils that our skin produces to stay hydrated and protected on its own. Moisturizing it after cleaning is essential, since otherwise, we would be doing it a greater harm.

Have you noticed that your skin during the winter dries out more than necessary? This is due to the change between extreme cold and heating, not to mention the lack of humidity. Our skin tends to lose large amounts of water, drying it out and losing its shine. It is for this reason that during the winter it is usually advisable to use heavier moisturizing creams, to counteract this effect and keep the level of hydration stable throughout the year.

Quizás the most important tip of all:sunscreen should be used all year round! Unfortunately, the sun is getting stronger and more damaging, so it is already a matter of health to use sun protection factor 365 days a year; (Not to mention the fact that it is the most effective anti aging treatment of all ;). The sun's rays that cause spots and are responsible for skin cancer, pass through windows and the shadow itself. It is essential to use it every day and re-apply it during the day. Even if we don't leave home! We are constantly exposed to screens (yes, ladies and gentlemen! Blue light also stains our skin) and reflective surfaces. Our sun protection factor should not drop below 50.

We could not fail to include it in our tips: consult ALWAYS with your trusted dermatologist! In these times where the cosmetic and personal care industry is so developed, it is vitally important not to use products blindly, but always to follow the recommendations of a professional and products that are suitable for our skin type and needs..

Arrive in the best way next summer. Take care and pamper your skin, to look splendid in the months to come!